| Welcome to the latest Ancon newsletter. This month, we showcase the latest additions to our comprehensive range of masonry restraints and shear load connectors aimed at reducing the transfer of sound.
|  | Ancon launches high performance, CE marked, Acoustic Wall Ties | The Ancon range of masonry restraint fixings is the most comprehensive available, featuring cavity wall ties, wall starter systems, movement ties, frame cramps, head restraints and much more. Earlier this month, Ancon extended this range with the addition of Acoustic Wall Ties. Unlike standard wall ties that create a solid connection through which sound waves can travel, these new high performance products feature an acoustic isolation element that minimises the transfer of airborne noise and vibration. Typical applications include music rooms, cinemas, nightclubs, recording studios, laboratories, industrial units and mixed-use developments, where there is a requirement to isolate one part of the building from another. The acoustic performance of this Ancon range is the result of a carefully engineered balance between mechanical stiffness and high acoustic resilience. Comprising cavity wall ties, frame cramps and partition ties, this comprehensive Acoustic range suits cavities from 50mm to 175mm wide. Read more and download technical literature here... 
|  |  |  | New Acoustic Dowel extends the Ancon shear load connector range | Ancon has a long-established range of shear load connectors that offers significant advantages over plain dowel bars at joints in structural concrete frames. Ancon shear load connectors are more effective at transferring load and accommodating movement and, due to their two-part construction, are simpler to install. Ancon dowels are also manufactured from stainless steel a sustainable, corrosion-resistant material that offers a long, maintenance-free service life. The innovative range covers a variety of applications. The Ancon DSD is the original two-part, double dowel, shear load connector for suspended floor slabs. The Ancon Lockable Dowel is ideal for temporary movement joints in post tensioned concrete. In February 2015, Ancon turned its attention to improving the sound resilience of buildings and as a result developed the Ancon Staisil HLD Acoustic Dowel. Designed to replace rigid floor connections, the acoustic shear dowel decouples concrete building elements and dampens impact noise in multi-storey developments. Typical applications include multi-occupancy buildings, like hotels and apartments. Find out more and download technical literature here... 
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| Other News Thank you for visiting us at Ecobuild 2015 |  | East Ham Customer Service Centre + Library |  | Download an Ancon BIM Object |  Ancon had another successful year at Ecobuild with over 500 visitors to the stand which showcased our latest low energy solutions including thermally efficient wall ties and insulated balcony connectors. |  Ancon designed and manufactured the stainless steel support and restraint system for the brick façade on this attractive Town Centre development, voted Best Public Building in the 2014 Brick Awards. |  Ancon's wide range of market leading products are freely available to download as 2D and 3D data-rich BIM Objects in Revit, IFC, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks and Bentley file formats. | Read more...  | Read more...  | Visit the BIM library...  | | %IF $FIRSTNAME != ''% This newsletter has been sent to %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME% at the e-mail address %PERS_EMAIL%. %ELSE% This newsletter has been sent to %PERS_EMAIL%. %/IF% If you would prefer not to receive these emails in future please unsubscribe here. © Copyright Ancon Building Products. Registered Office: President Way, Sheffield, S4 7UR, UK. Registered in England under number 210138.  |  |
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