Enhanced Ancon 25/14 Channel-Tie Restraint System
Following further product developments and independent testing, the Ancon 25/14 Restraint System can now be used to fix an external leaf of masonry to steel (SFS), timber or concrete frames, through any type of insulation.
Originally designed to tie masonry cladding to steel framing systems (SFS) through a layer of rigid PIR insulation, these latest developments from Ancon greatly extend the scope of the 25/14 channel-tie system.
Latest Developments
Ancon 25/14 Channel now accepts two fixing types. It features alternate 5.3mm and 9.5mm fixing holes to accept HT high-thread screws for steel/timber frames and CFS fixing screws for concrete frames respectively.
An Ancon Compression Sleeve, manufactured from high integrity stainless steel and supplied cut to length to suit insulation thickness, is available for use with either HT high-thread screws (required when used in conjunction with flexible insulations) or CFS concrete fixing screws.
25/14 Restraint System (PDF, 6.9 MB)

Fixing to Steel or Timber
Ancon HT self-drilling high-thread screws fix through the channel and the insulation, into the steel or timber. Once the channel is installed, Ancon SD25 wall ties can be positioned at any point along its length and are built into the bed joints of the outer leaf of brickwork.
When using rigid PIR insulation (max. 220mm) or Isover Polterm Max Plus, Knauf Insulation Earthwool RainScreen Slab and ROCKWOOL Rainscreen Duo Slab (max. 180mm), an Ancon Compression Sleeve is not required when fixing to steel or timber with Ancon HT high-thread screws. When using other thicknesses of these insulations or other semi-rigid/flexible insulations, an Ancon Compression Sleeve is required with the fixings. Vertical fixing centres for both wall ties and screws depend on the application and are given in Ancon literature.

Fixing to Concrete
Ancon CFS screws fix through the channel and the stainless steel compression sleeve located in the insulation, and into a pilot hole in the concrete. This method is suitable for use with all insulation types. Once the channel is installed, Ancon SD25 wall ties can be positioned at any point along its length and are built into the bed joints of the outer leaf of brickwork. Vertical fixing centres for both wall ties and screws depend on the application and are given in Ancon literature.
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