Enhanced Ancon IHR Head Restraints Now Accommodate 100mm Gaps Due to Customer Demand
Due to customer demand and changes to fire regulations, Leviat have successfully re-engineered the Ancon IHR range of internal head restraints, now accommodating gaps at the wall head of up to 100mm, extending the previous maximum of 75mm.
Head Restraints provide the necessary support at the top of masonry panels. They allow for vertical movement to accommodate shrinkage or thermal movement of the wall or structural frame, while restraining lateral loads. Typically, head restraints are installed in the inner leaf of blockwork on a framed structure, where the masonry is non-loadbearing.
The Ancon IHR comprises an L-shaped channel stem, to be fitted in the bed joint and perpendicular joint of the top masonry course, and sliding top section, which slides in the channel to accommodate vertical movement between the blockwork and the structure. The latter component is shaped to prevent disengagement from the channel, allowing installation as a complete assembly, and is available in a variety of designs to suit different fixing methods and substrates.

The sliding top section is now available in three lengths; one length to suit 25-50mm gaps, one for 51-75mm gaps, and a longer length for 76-100mm gaps. The longer length has been specifically engineered to meet the needs of customers, and is ideal where a fire or acoustic barrier is being installed or greater deflections are expected in the primary structure.
The Ancon IHR design is formed entirely from high integrity stainless steel, eliminating the need for a secondary plastic component from the channel section. The standard height suits a 215mm block and other stem lengths are available to suit cut blocks down to a minimum height of 140mm.

Ancon has published a comprehensive set of design resistances for its improved IHR range, based on independent product testing. The data covers installation at 450mm and 900mm centres with a 25mm, 50mm, 75mm and 100mm gap.
The IHR suitable for a 100mm gap will be available in April 2024.
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