Submit an idea

Please send us your ideas and feedback
We want to hear from you.
How do you think our Ancon product range could be expanded or improved?
Construction is a dynamic and challenging industry. We love it! It continues to test us - with ever-evolving construction techniques, regulations and architectural concepts – providing us with unlimited opportunities to shine. Manufactured by Leviat, the Ancon product brand is more widely recognised and respected worldwide than ever before.
We want you to have a say in where we go in the future.
Your ideas and feedback are the driving force behind our innovation. When you talk. We listen. It is the only way we can ensure our developments continue to be market and customer focussed. We don’t design products for ourselves. We design them for you; so please tell us what you want from us.

Your innovation contact
If you have ideas for new or improved products, please get in touch with:
David Jessop
Product Manager, Masonry | Europe West & APAC
T: +44 (0) 7966 930241
David has over 10 years’ experience in this industry and through our systematic and robust procedures will ensure your suggestion is given full consideration by Leviat globally.
Your Problems. Our Solutions.
At Leviat, we pride ourselves in our ability to think through customer problems and develop new solutions that are not only effective, but practical - making the job easier, quicker or safer to do – often breaking new ground along the way.
Our innovative thinking has led to major developments that are now changing the way that buildings are designed and constructed - from ultra-low thermal conductivity Ancon wall ties that almost eliminate thermal bridging in masonry cavity walls to a revolutionary Ancon lockable dowel system that is accelerating the build of post-tensioned concrete frames worldwide – as well as providing bespoke fixing solutions for some of the world’s most demanding construction projects.
As Charles Darwin discovered, it’s not the strongest species that survive but the most responsive to change. At Leviat, we embrace change. We know our future depends on it; so please get in touch and tell us what you want from us. Contact David Jessop, Masonry Product Manager on |
Collaborative Partnerships

We have a knack of spotting good ideas and a proven track record of turning them into reality. We successfully launch a number of new products each year. Some are developed in-house by our team of dedicated development engineers and others are brought to us by third-parties.
Get in touch with us if you have an idea and are looking for a strong highly-specified brand with a wide distribution network to bring it to market.
Contact David Jessop, Masony Product Manager on
Efficient Innovation Process
We are open to ideas from both inside and outside our company and industry. We run an incentivised employee ideas scheme which generates 100s of ideas a year to complement those generated from external sources.
Leviat's established and proven innovation process ensures all ideas, irrespective of their source, are given full consideration, and if approved for development, that they are allocated adequate resources to ensure new and improved products are engineered and launched with minimal delay.
Recent new Ancon products include:
Nexus – a two-part system comprising brick support angle and lightweight brick-faced soffit units
CTT System – mechanical couplers for the joining of cryogenic-grade reinforcing bars

Industry Recognition
Don’t just take our word for it – we’ve picked up several prestigious industry awards over recent years, including three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, widely regarded as the highest accolade any UK business can achieve for business performance excellence.
Idea Ownership and Protection
We have a number of ideas on the table at any one time. It is possible that your idea may be similar to others that we are already considering or developing and we want to avoid any misunderstanding around ownership.
You should only submit non-confidential information to us. We recommend that you first protect your idea with a patent application or other intellectual property right if you wish to maintain control.
Unprotected ideas and suggestions are readily accepted by Leviat, however, unless an idea carries intellectual property protection it is assumed that your submission has been freely volunteered to us and that you are forfeiting any rights to it.
Call David Jessop, on +44 (0) 7966 930241 or email to discuss any concerns you may have before sending your submission.
Latest News
New White Paper: ‘Bringing Clarity to Masonry Support Systems and Fire Protection Cavity Barriers’
Our latest white paper, authored by our team of industry experts, aims to raise awareness of the interaction between cavity barriers and masonry support systems, and provide clarity for building professionals involved in the design and detailing of such systems.
Leviat Partners with BDA on Educational Brick Works Series 2025
We are thrilled to collaborate on the Brick Development Association’s (BDA) Brick Works Series and contribute to the ongoing conversation about the incredible versatility of clay brick and masonry support solutions.