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Masonry Support

Masonry Support

Masonry Support / Brick Support

Brick, block or stone cladding on steel or concrete framed structures is normally supported by stainless steel masonry support systems.

Frame type, differential movement, type of cladding, masonry load and cavity width all need to be considered when selecting the most appropriate fixing solution. Contact us for advice.

UKCA and CE Marking

Construction products which fall within the scope of a harmonised Standard should now carry UKCA and CE marking under the Construction Products Regulation.

For masonry support systems, the harmonised standard is BS EN 1090-1 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components. We comply with all UKCA and CE marking requirements of this Standard, including designs to EN 1993 (Eurocode 3) and external certification of our factory production controls by an approved body. We are certified to undertake welded fabrication work to Execution Class 2 which covers the vast majority of building applications and is the default class when unspecified.

Bracket Angle Support

Ancon Optima and Ancon MDC Systems create a continuous length of angle to support the outer leaf of masonry.

Ancon Optima is a standard system where the brackets and angles are supplied as separate components. Ancon MDC systems have brackets welded to the angle and are designed to suit the specific cavity width and masonry load of a project.

Ancon MDC Nexus Bracket Angle Support System

The BBA approved family of NEXUS brick-faced soffit and lintel systems brings together our high integrity steel support system with engineered brick-faced units from Ibstock Futures. The lightweight brick-faced steel units can be simply bolted to the Ancon MDC stainless steel bracket angle support system to create flawless brick reveals and soffits.

NEXUS XI, the latest addition to the range, provides a mechanically fixed solution that can be specified and installed with confidence on high-rise residential buildings over 18 metres, in compliance with the 2019 amendment of Approved Document B: Fire Safety of the Building Regulations.

Individual Brackets

MDA Individual Brackets feature short angles and are used to support masonry features such as curves or arches.

Thermal Breaks

Ancon masonry support systems can now be supplied with Thermal Breaks to minimise heat loss through cold bridging, and improve the energy efficiency of your building project. For more information, download the brochure.

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